A liberal future in a united Europe

Our vision is a liberal, prosperous Europe that provides opportunities for all citizens, and where the EU's liberal values of freedom, democracy, equality, and human rights are defended.

More about ELF

Defending Europe: Geopolitics, Innovation, Democracy

With the world changing at the speed of light and new challenges and threats emerging daily, one thing is clear as day: defence and security have never been higher on the EU priorities list.

Read ELF Future Europe Journal 5

Rebooting Europe's operating system

Europe is at a critical juncture: on the one hand, the digital transition offers unprecedented opportunities. On the other hand, this must be supported by intelligent policy choices

Learn more about TechnoPolitics

Rainbow Platform for equal representation

Strong role models create a strong LGBTQ+ community! The Rainbow Platform is elevating the voices of the LGBTQI+ community by creating role models that can inspire political engagement.

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This is her time. And she will be heard.

The time for women to lead in Europe has come. With Alliance of Her, we empower women in Europe to pursue their political ambitions and we fight every day for a future shaped by their voices.

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TechnoSustainability Series

As the EU advances towards sustainability, it confronts complex issues in industrial policy, international trade, and relations. Avoiding idealistic visions for a Green Utopia, it is time for a pragmatic, technology-focused strategy to effectively meet its climate targets and promote a sustainable, prosperous future.

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